Butterfly year list

2024 butterfly year list so far = 29 species                                                 Same time last year = 32 species

29. White Admiral – Folks’ Wood – 18th July
28. Gatekeeper – Folkestone Downs – 11th July
27. Ringlet – Hythe – 7th July
26. Marbled White – Folkestone Downs – 25th June
25. Small Skipper – Abbotscliffe – 23rd June
24. Meadow Brown – Smallpox Hill – 8th June
23. Brown Argus – Folkestone Downs – 26th May
22. Large Skipper – Samphire Hoe – 20th May
21. Adonis Blue – Samphire Hoe – 20th May
20. Common Blue – Pent Downs – 12th May
19. Small Copper – Botolph’s Bridge Road – 11th May
18. Clouded Yellow – Samphire Hoe – 7th May
17. Small Blue – Samphire Hoe – 7th May
16. Wall – Folkestone Downs – 1st May
15. Dingy Skipper – Folkestone Downs and Folkestone Warren – 1st May
14. Green Hairstreak – Folkestone Downs and Folkestone Warren – 1st May
13. Small Heath – Folkestone Downs – 29th April
12. Large White – Seabrook – 8th April
11. Holly Blue – Seabrook – 8th April
10. Orange-tip – Cheriton – 7th April
9. Green-veined White – Seabrook – 31st March
8. Speckled Wood – Cheriton – 31st March
7. Small White – Seabrook – 16th March
6. Comma – Cheriton – 16th March
5. Brimstone – Samphire Hoe – 14th March
4. Peacock – Hythe – 4th March
3. Small Tortoiseshell – Seabrook – 16th February
2. Painted Lady – Sandgate – 26th January
1. Red Admiral – Brockhill Country Park – 11th January

Previous years

2023 total = 34 species
2022 total = 33 species
2021 total = 34 species
2020 total = 35 species
2019 total = 35 species
2018 total = 36 species
2017 total = 35 species
2016 total = 33 species
2015 total = 33 species
2014 total = 32 species
2013 total = 33 species
2012 total = 31 species

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