Folkestone & Hythe birds, butterflies, moths and other natural history

Last updated: 13th September.

13th – A Yellow Wagtail, 4 Wheatears, 9 Sand Martins, 17 Chiffchaffs and c.300 House Martins at Abbotscliffe (Mark Kennett). A Hobby and 3 Spotted Flycatchers at Lympne (Phil Sharp). 3 Whinchats at Beachborough Lakes, 2 Whinchats at Abbots Court Farm, a Spotted Flycatcher at Bluehouse Wood and a Redstart and 2 Whinchats Redstart in the field beside nearby Jenkins’ Rough (Brian Harper).

A Scarce Bordered Straw at Hythe (Ian Roberts).

12th – An Osprey at the Aldergate Bridge and 10 Sandwich Terns at Folkestone Harbour (Steve Wood). A Garden Warbler, a Tree Pipit, a Whinchat, 3 Wheatears and 23 Chiffchaffs at Abbotscliffe, where 300 House Martins flew west (Mark Kennett). A Spotted Flycatcher at Creteway Down and a Golden Plover and a Wheatear at Hope Farm (Brian Harper). 2 Firecrests and 4 Spotted Flycatchers north of Sugarloaf Hill and a Hobby and 40+ House Martins at Copt Point (Dale Gibson). An adult Hobby at Folks’ Wood and a juvenile at Lympne (Phil Sharp). 183 Gannets fishing off Seabrook, where an Oystercatcher and 26 House Martins flew west (Paul Howe).

A Scarce Bordered Straw and 2 Rusty-dot Pearls at Seabrook (Paul Howe). A Convolvulus Hawk-moth at Park Farm, Folkestone (C J Page).

11th – A Wood Warbler at Scene Wood (Brian Harper). 181 House Martins flew west at Seabrook (Paul Howe).

A Scarce Bordered Straw, a Dark Sword-grass and a Rusty-dot Pearl at Seabrook (Paul Howe).

10th – 8 Oystercatchers flew east at Hythe (Glenn Tutton).

The first Pearly Underwing of the year, 2 Scarce Bordered Straws, 2 Dark Sword-grass, 3 Olive-tree Pearls, 4 Delicates, 4 Rusty-dot Pearls and 5 Rush Veneers at Hythe (Ian Roberts). A Convolvulus Hawk-moth and a Scarce Bordered Straw at Seabrook (Paul Howe). A Scarce Bordered Straw at the Golden Valley (Chris Gillard).

9th – A Whinchat and a Wheatear at Abbotscliffe, where a Tree Pipit flew over (Mark Kennett). A Hobby and 100+ House Martins at Lympne (Phil Sharp). 2 Wheatears at the Hythe Imperial golf course (Brian Harper). 6 Sandwich Terns flew west at Seabrook (Paul Howe).

A Dark Sword-grass, 4 Scarce Bordered Straws, 5 Rusty-dot Pearls, 6 Delicates and 6 Olive-tree Pearls at Hythe (Ian Roberts).

8th – 2 Whinchats and 4 Little Egrets at Samphire Hoe, where a Yellow Wagtail and 3 Oystercatchers flew west and 74 Gannets flew east (Mark Kennett).

A Latticed Heath, an Olive-tree Pearl and 2 Four-spotted Footman at Seabrook, where Lesser Treble-bar was new for the year (Paul Howe). A Dark Sword-grass, a Delicate, 4 Rusty-dot Pearls and 11 Olive-tree Pearls at Hythe, where Red Underwing was new for the year (Ian Roberts).

7th – A Pied Flycatcher at Frogholt (Brian Harper). 8 Egyptian Geese on the sea off Hythe and a Wheatear at Hythe Ranges (Glenn Tutton / Ian Roberts). A Curlew, 2 Whinchats, 3 Wheatears and 5 Grey Wagtails at Samphire Hoe (Martin Collins).

A Dark Sword-grass, a Delicate and a Rusty-dot Pearl at Hythe Ranges, where Hedge Rustic and Agriphila latistria (White-streak Grass-veneer) were new for the year and a Delicate, a Rusty-dot Pearl and 5 Olive-tree Pearls at Hythe (Ian Roberts). A Golden Twin-spot, a Rusty-dot Pearl, 2 Olive-tree Pearls and 4 Four-spotted Footman at Seabrook (Paul Howe).

6th – A Spotted Flycatcher, a Whinchat, 2 Redstarts, 4 Wheatears, 4 Lesser Whitethroats and 6 Yellow Wagtails at Abbotscliffe (Mark Kennett). A Kingfisher at Folkestone Harbour (Jenny-Louise Read).

A Delicate, 3 Rusty-dot Pearls, 5 Four-spotted Footman and 7 Olive-tree Pearls at Seabrook (Paul Howe). A Dark Sword-grass, 3 Delicates, 3 Rusty-dot Pearls and 16 Olive-tree Pearls at Hythe (Ian Roberts).

5th – A Porter’s Rustic, a Delicate and an Olive-tree Pearl at Seabrook (Paul Howe). A Delicate, 4 Rusty-dot Pearls and 9 Olive-tree Pearls at Hythe, where Feathered Ranunculus was new for the year (Ian Roberts).

4th – A Tree Sparrow, a Reed Warbler, 2 Wheatears, 5 Lesser Whitethroats and 11 Blackcaps at Abbotscliffe and 2 Whinchats and 9 Wheatears at Church Hougham (Mark Kennett). 2 Great Spotted Woodpeckers flew east at Seabrook (Paul Howe).

Celypha rufana (Lakes Marble) at Cheriton (Brian Harper) and Grass Emerald at Seabrook (Paul Howe) were new for the year, also a Delicate, a Cydia amplana (Vagrant Piercer), a Rush Veneer and 2 Olive-tree Pearls at the latter site. A Blair’s Mocha, a Golden Twin-spot, a Rush Veneer, 2 Rusty-dot Pearls, 7 Delicates and 12 Olive-tree Pearls at Hythe (Ian Roberts).

3rd – A Common Sandpiper at Hythe (Ian Roberts).

The second British record of Minsmere Crimson Underwing at Cheriton was the tenth new macro moth for the area this year (Brian Harper). A Passenger found by day at Folkestone Downs (Ian Hunter). A Pale-shouldered Cloud, a Delicate, 2 Rusty-dot Pearls, 3 Scarce Bordered Straws and 17 Olive-tree Pearls at Hythe (Ian Roberts). Plodia interpunctella (Indian Meal Moth) at Seabrook (Chris Turnbull) and Convolvulus Hawk-moth at Cheriton (Alan Want) were new for the year. 2 Willow Emerald Damselflies and 3 Southern Hawkers at Hythe (Glenn Tutton).

2nd – 2 Arctic Skuas, 15 Common Scoters and 32 Sandwich Terns flew west past Samphire Hoe, where a Whinchat, a Little Egret and 2 Black Redstarts were present.

Beautiful Marbled and Porter’s Rustic at Samphire Hoe were new for the year, where other migrants included Golden Twin-spot, Dark Sword-grass, Olive-tree Pearl, Rusty-dot Pearl and Rush Veneer (Tony Rouse). Single Latticed Heaths at Hythe and Seabrook were new for the year, whilst other migrants included a Golden Twin-spot, a Delicate, 8 Rusty-dot Pearls and 9 Olive-tree Pearls at Hythe (Ian Roberts) and a Delicate, an Olive-tree Pearl and a Great Green Bush-cricket at Seabrook (Paul Howe).

1st – A Pied Flycatcher at Abbotscliffe (Mike Fitch). 2 Oystercatchers, 4 Wigeon and 35 Gannets flew east at Samphire Hoe and a Little Egret and 3 Yellow Wagtails flew west (Mark Kennett).

A Golden Twin-spot, a Rusty-dot Pearl, 3 Delicates and 8 Olive-tree Pearls at Hythe (Ian Roberts). A Rusty-dot Pearl and 2 Olive-tree Pearls at Seabrook (Paul Howe).

January to August 2024 sightings have been archived – click on the links for the reviews of bird sightings and lepidoptera sightings in 2024 to date.

For the reviews of sightings in 2023 and earlier years visit the “Annual Reports” section.

This website is maintained by Ian Roberts. For enquiries or to report sightings please contact me at

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